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Section 106 Agreements Training

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Section 106 Agreements Training

If you are a developer or an individual looking to build a property, you`ll likely need to know about Section 106 agreements. This type of agreement is an essential part of the planning process in the UK and is used to mitigate the impact of new development on the local community.

Section 106 agreements, also known as planning obligations, are legal agreements between a local planning authority and a developer. These agreements are put in place to ensure that the local community benefits from any new development. The agreement can include provisions for affordable housing, new community facilities, or road improvements.

If you`re a developer or a property owner, understanding Section 106 agreements is crucial. It ensures that you comply with the planning regulations and helps to create positive relationships with the local community.

One way to get up to speed with Section 106 agreements is to attend a training course. There are several providers offering courses that provide an in-depth understanding of Section 106 agreements. These courses are designed for developers, planners, and anyone involved in the planning process.

Training courses typically cover the following areas:

1. What are Section 106 agreements? Understanding what a Section 106 agreement is and its purpose is the starting point of the training.

2. How to negotiate a Section 106 agreement. Negotiating a Section 106 agreement can be a complex process as it involves balancing the interests of the developer and the local community. Training courses provide an overview of the key skills required to negotiate a successful agreement.

3. Reviewing and drafting Section 106 agreements. Training courses will cover the technical aspects of reviewing and drafting a Section 106 agreement, including the legal clauses and the obligations contained in the agreement.

4. Compliance with Section 106 agreements. Once a Section 106 agreement is in place, it`s important to ensure that the developer complies with the obligations contained in the agreement. Training courses cover the monitoring and enforcement of Section 106 agreements.

In conclusion, understanding Section 106 agreements is essential for developers and anyone involved in planning development. Training courses are an excellent way to upskill and gain knowledge of the complexities involved in negotiating, reviewing, and complying with Section 106 agreements. By attending a training course, you can ensure that you are fully informed about the planning process and can deliver development that benefits the local community.

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