Buenos Aires, Argentina 11.3278.5748

Posts for : octubre 2021

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Claim Settlement Agreement Sample

When it comes to settling disputes, a claim settlement agreement can be a valuable tool. This agreement is a binding contract between parties involved in a dispute, outlining the terms and conditions of the settlement. It helps to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the outcome and can move on from the dispute. If you`re involved in a dispute and considering settling, it`s essential to have a well-drafted claim settlement agreement. To give you an idea of what to expect, we`ve put together a sample agreement outlining some common clauses typically included in these types of negotiations. Parties…

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Service Level Agreement Template for Maintenance

As a business owner who operates in the digital space, maintaining your website and other digital assets is crucial to your long-term success. Not only does it ensure your website performs optimally, but it also helps you stay ahead of the competition. However, with so many moving parts involved in digital maintenance, it`s easy to get overwhelmed and lose track of what needs to be done. That`s where a Service Level Agreement (SLA) for maintenance comes into play. An SLA is a contract between you and your maintenance service provider that outlines the obligations, expectations, and priorities of both…